Tuesday, April 12, 2011

In Class 4/12

We were in the library today with the laptops. Unfortunately mine did not work, so I ended up in the computer lab, and I'm afraid Jordan succeeded in totally distracting me. However, since his project sounds very interesting, and I have no idea about what he's up to, I decided that I would do his journal for my Partner Read. We were assigned this today, and it is where we read another person's journal, and then evaluate it. I'm a little nervous about my own evaluation.
I also got the research from the research swap thing that we did. Chezna picked her favorite designer, Zac Posen, and talked about why she liked his work. It's really sparked my interest in finding out who he is, and what his designs are like. Unfortuantely his style isn't quite something I appreciate as much as others, however I found a really cool dress of his, and I really respect his boldness with color. I've put my favorite below, but there was another set that I really liked which had a virus or something on it, so I wasn't able to access it (and got out as fast as possible!!)
This is the one I like the most. I'm not quite sure about the sparkly stuff on the front (it sort of looks like a Christmas decoration) but I love the flow of the dress.

This was a red carpet gown for Beyonce. I'm not sure if it's something I appreciate (even though my own prom dress is mermaid-style! haha!)

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