Wednesday, February 16, 2011


This dress isn't drawn very well, unfortunately, but hopefully you will be able to see what I see.
  • Sleaves-yellow chiffon with red satin ribbing on shoulder slits, and ribbed red satin on the bottom
  • Bodice- corset-style top with red satin and orangy-yellow body, with red sash at the bottom
  • Skirt- black silk with orange, red and yellow chiffon underneath on the edge
  • The skirt should be flowy, but hang straight like a sarong
And finally, to top it all off, a traditional Chinese hat (for which I might cheat, since I already have one identical to the one in this drawing. The design was inspired by a Bollywood movie, "Chandni Chowk to China," and combines Indian and Chinese design elements, much like the dresses in the movie.
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