Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mentor Meeting

Today I met with Ms. Lasher. I talked about my upcoming interview (which is tomorrow!), and what I had done so far (set up the interview, start my blog, and make a few sketches). It was a pretty short mentor meeting, because I have just started, and there was little to talk about, but I discussed upcoming goals, plans, and Ms. Lasher told me that one of her friends is a costume designer, so I might be able to work with her too! I would love to do a project designing and making a costume. It would be really fun. She comes down from Rochester on the weekends, so maybe we could meet then.
My interview is scheduled for 6:15 tomorrow, at Sew-Green. I'm a little nervous, but I've done interviews before, and I should be fine. I had emailed Autumn Newell, the Youth Program Director, and left a message on their phone. Soon after (like five minutes later, actually) I got a response requesting an interview on Thursday. I replied that it would work, and I got emailed a form that I have to fill out. The form's pretty straight forward and simple, but it has the following question, which will need more thought:

Please tell us a little about yourself. What are some of your interests?
Why do you think you would be a good fit for the apprenticeship program?

This is similar to almost any interview, but I need to really consider exactly how I will fit in the program. I know that it will benefit me a lot, but I need to carefully consider how I will benefit the program, seeing as I have no sewing experience.
All in all though, I'm very excited about the apprenticeship. I know that I will work hard, and learn a lot.

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