Friday, May 6, 2011


My parents recently got back from Spain, and they brought back some fantastic clothes! My mom had complained about how Spanish fashion was really drab... until she came to a store called Desigual. The clothes she brought back were far from drab. They were bright and fantastical. In fact, because of the bright colors, people would spot this new, popular brand on the street when my mom wore it in Spain. Everything else was plain, but Desigual was a splash of color in the middle of beige.
At first, I had thought that Desigual was an India brand. Desi means Indian, and the colors were so bright, I couldn't believe that they were coming from Europe. However, the cuts were very European. Looking at the US website unfortunately, the clothes do not stand out as much, since we use more color than the Spanish. Still, it's a fabulous (and very expensive) brand.

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