Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flat Sketching

Autumn had told me that for our next meeting, I need to convert my sketches into flat sketches. She described this as sketches of clothes laid flat on the ground, with no model, and all the seams showing. Alright, I thought, simple enough. But then I became concerned that my sketches wouldn't be detailed enough. So I decided to do a quick search on google, and this is what I found...


 This happened to come from a VERY interesting blog by a designer, showing her sketches and finished projects. I'm really glad I chanced upon it. It's quite a gem for inspiration, with links to fashion weeks around the world as well.

The second image showed me what she meant by "showing the seams." Now I have a better idea of what to do. I just hope it works! Imagining things flat is sort of hard, especially when you're trying to imagine them on a person to make sure that they'll be beautiful. I might do three views like the image above in the end...

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