Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mentor Meeting 2/8

Today we talked mainly about the financial aspect of my project. Ms. Lasher was the first one who really lit the lightbulb that this was something I really should think about. I hadn't really thought of any fundraising ideas, and I quickly realized while talking to her that I had no idea what to do! I knew I had some discount options, and we found out that there are tons of selective sales and discounts at Jo-Ann's, but really, I had no clue!
We came up with a few ideas:
  • Selling cookies!- I have already been begged for cookies, obviously they're popular. Perhaps I could sell them in class? The boys would buy them all in two days!
  • Getting people to fund my clothes, though I don't think this will work for the following reasons
    • I will need them to be my models, and be ready when I need them for fittings. It would be so much easier to use my own body
    • They might not like the end result, and not want to pay for it
    • Honestly, I don't really want to part with my work. I'm so excited about wearing these clothes MYSELF. What if the model never appreciates it?
    • However, during the presentation, it might be tough to present the clothes without models, but if they aren't being modeled, people can touch them. ARGHHH! Well, perhaps I can borrow a few manniquens for that one day, or find other people my size, since I'm pretty average in terms of waist size
  • Using discounts to fullest potential and having super low budget
    • Ms. Lasher found that there was a VIP card for designers/sewing fanatics at Jo-Ann's that gives a 10 % disocunt. She kindly said that she would help me talk to Jo-Ann's, and that we would try to get that card, because it would be really helpful in gathering whatever I cannot find at Sew-Green.
  • Buying/ asking for used clothes and using the material for new clothes
Also, something that just happened a few minutes ago! My mom had said that she would pay me for some babysitting that I had done, and give me the cost of the ticket I would have bought had I gone to the concert as well (it's complicated. Pretty much, I traded going with my parents to a concert for babysitting my brother and having the cash that would have gone towards the ticket instead). Well, it turns out she was serious about her offer! I now have $100 with which to start my project!!!!! It's not much (my initial estimate of expenses had been around $150-200), but it definately is not nothing! I will definately be able to start with this, and perhaps fund my whole project if I am frugal and a super super discount shopper.

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